Man, I've been traveling so much lately, I might as well be a rock star. Last Saturday, Mike and Jeannie went to a picnic in Tampa and took me with them. It was a birthday party barbecue for M's high school class, and I finally got to meet some of his friends who have been long-time readers of my blog. We had our camera with us, but for some reason didn't take any pictures. Not one! (Don't blame me for this lapse. It's impossible to work a camera when you don't have opposable thumbs. It's hard enough just typing this blog!)
The people who organized the picnic made Mike wear this name tag, which supposedly has his picture on it. Well, trust me, this looks nothing like M. In fact, none of the pictures I saw came close to resembling the people who were wearing them.
But the food was great, and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.
Then yesterday, we went on an even longer trip, though it was still crammed into one day. We went to a family reunion where I met more of my blog readers. It was at a house way out in the country, near a city called Valdosta. That's in a whole different state, about a four-hour drive from where I live. Just as at the picnic, there was lots of food, and it was delicious!
This time M made sure to take plenty of pictures, and I will share some of them with you.
For starters, this was also a birthday party--not for Mike and his high school chums, but for three of our relatives who were all born in October. The first was M and his sister Julia's Aunt/Cousin Hazel, whose birthday was October 3rd and whom we honored a couple of weeks ago with a special blog post called "Two Relatives in One."
The next birthday girl was my Auntie Julia, herself, whose birthday was actually yesterday, the day of the reunion. A couple of years ago on October 27th, we posted a link to a nice Beatles song for her. It's worth listening to if you have three minutes to spare, so here is that link again.
The third honoree is a birthday boy, Mike and Julia's Uncle Chuck, who is the second of Grandpa George's two brothers--the one who didn't marry Aunt/Cousin Hazel, the event that created that "Two Relatives in One" situation. (Confused? Me, too, though I'm making progress!) Anyway, Uncle Chuck's birthday is tomorrow.
M says that at some point in his teens (either late junior high school or early senior high school, he's not sure which because he's developing a medical condition called CRS), he took piano lessons from Chuck, and that it was Chuck whose playing of Beethoven's sonatas inspired him to get interested in what was then called "longhair" music. (He says that this was before the Beatles and the Rolling Stones changed the musical landscape, tonsorially speaking.) At the reunion, M asked Chuck if he was still making music and Chuck said no, he'd had to give that up because he can't hear so well anymore. M reminded him that neither could Beethoven, but it didn't stop him. (I'll have to remember to fact-check all this, because M could be pumping sunshine up my overalls. That's something he's been known to do.)
Here's a picture M took of Aunt Sylvia (our reunion hostess, who is Uncle Chuck's baby sister and also a very talented pianist) presenting a birthday cake to Aunt/Cousin Hazel, Auntie Julia, and Uncle Chuck. The cake has just three candles on it, so as not to create a fire hazard, and I believe the three honorees were finally able to blow them all out.
While I'm at it, I should also introduce Sylvia's husband, Don, our other gracious host:
Don seems like a nice guy, except I didn't like it when he tried to show me his pet wolf.
I didn't want to have anything to do with that critter, not even when it was Jeannie dragging me up to him:
It's not that I was afraid of the wolf. It's just that I couldn't imagine what he'd done that got him turned into stone, or plaster, or whatever. Anyway, moving right along . . .
"Is this a dagger which I see before me . . . ?"
M said that if I introduced this picture of Auntie Julia and Jan with the above quote, some readers might think it was pretty clever and conclude that I'm a brighter-than-average dog. I didn't know what the heck he was talking about. So I did some quick Googling and found that it's a line from a play called Macbeth, which was written by William Shakespeare. But then I did some more Googling and learned that the line is spoken by a man (Macbeth) and not a woman, and that anyway, in Shakespeare's day ALL of the parts, even the lady parts, were played by men. When I pointed out this discrepancy to M, noting that Julia and Jan are females, he said that's part of the joke and as long as I'm Googling I should look up "irony." Whatever.
At some point toward the end of the reunion, someone suggested we should all go out onto Sylvia and Don's big front porch and have a group picture taken. So out we went, but after everyone was situated, this was all I could see:
I think the best group shot was probably this one that Mike took:
We left around five o'clock for the four-hour drive home. I slept most of the way, but each time I woke up I noticed that it was getting darker. Right at sunset, we were coming down Interstate 75, crossing a place that M says is called "Payne's Prairie," named for a Seminole Indian chief who used to live in the area. Jeannie was driving. M looked out of his side window and noticed a straight cloud line that he thought was the trailing edge of a cold front that had moved through northern Florida that afternoon. He turned the flash off on his camera, so it wouldn't glare in the window, and started taking pictures. Here are a few of the results:
Even though it doesn't show the front as well, I tend to like this one. It reminds me of a dream I once had:
That's about it for me, from here, for now. See y'all down the road!
April on Substack
11 months ago
Buddy, I really enjoyed meeting you at the reunion yesterday! I'm glad you made the trip. Ours was also a four hour drive, which was a little challenging with my little daughter, especially on the way home. I think we saw a similar cloud and sunset and found it quite beautiful! Tell M thanks for sharing the pictures!
Cousin Sherri
You've had a busy month! I wish I could have been at the reunion, where many of your fans met you for the first time.
So good to meet you Buddy, I enjoyed seeing you. Polite and handsome, what more could anyone want. I'm glad you've got M & J, and they have you. If you don't mind, I'd like to snag a couple of pictures from your blog and add them to my facebook album.
Cousin Cathy
Hey Buddy!
You have indeed become an intrepid traveler! I’m glad you enjoyed your recent trips in spite of having to face a bunch of (PHS) PANTHERS as well as a “WOLF!” You’re a brave ol’ “Devil-Dog!” (M should let you wear his “cover” when you go trick or treating tonight.) The cloud pictures are terrific and your “party-post” very entertaining.
I’m sad that I couldn’t make the 70th birthday party to visit with old friends and, especially, to meet you, but I had plenty of scary excitement the past few days battling “Sandy.” I certainly did NOT enjoy meeting her, but got to wear MY “cover” – a bright yellow hard-hat – while bailing water and dodging falling trees. Now that I have electricity again, I’m catching up with news. It finally stopped raining this morning, so I’m off to clear debris; and send good thoughts to the many people north of me who are dealing with much greater damage.
Best wishes to you and your peeps, too.
TG, Pantherette
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