M told me to say that. I haven't had time to Google it to find out what it means. But speaking of parties, last night's Birthday Burger Fest was wonderful! We didn't take a lot of pictures, but there are enough to give you an idea of how it went down.
First there was what seemed like an eternity of waiting for our guests to arrive:
J assured me they'd be along soon:
M tried to divert my attention with a party blower thingy:
Finally Bonnie and Judy got here. When they come over on hamburger night, we tend to sit around in the living room talking and visiting for about three or four hours, or at least until I get up and remind them that we have other things to attend to and that my stomach thinks my throat's been cut. Then we go to McDonald's and bring home the goodies. Last night was no exception to this sequence of events.
Once the party got started, it was really a nice one. J had special party-themed accessories for the table, though she soon felt that a white tablecloth would have worked better. On the other hand, all the humans got to play an unexpected game called "try to find your plate and napkin":
I didn't have to play that, since M always mixes my hamburger in with the rest of my supper in my regular dish:
The feeling seemed to be unanimous:
If you look carefully at the far left of this picture, on the hutch behind J, you'll see a gift bag. Though I was too full to enjoy it last night, it contains a big, juicy beef bone, and I can assure you it is not long for this world!
Thanks, everyone, for making my first birthday party a joyous occasion!
April on Substack
10 months ago
Glad you had a fun party with your peeps...
...rescuers are angels
You cannot see their wings,
They keep them neatly folded
As they do their caring things.
The medicine to make you well,
Good food to make you strong,
And finally to help you learn
That hugs are never wrong...
(from "Rescuers Are Angels")
Author Unknown
Hugs from your Poetry Guru
What a nice poem; I can't comment in rhyme, but it appears you had a very nice birthday party, Buddy. I'm happy for you.
Have a nice day today, too!
Love, Grandma Grace
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