Quick quiz: What do Nathan Lane, Morgan Fairchild, Blythe Danner, Gertrude Stein, Horace Greeley, Charles "Pretty Boy" Floyd, James Michener, Felix Mendelssohn, Norman Rockwell, Val Doonican, Victor Buono, Shelley Berman, Fran Tarkenton, Joey Bishop, and my sister Bonnie have in common?
Today is their birthday!
For extra credit: What makes Bonnie's celebration different from all the others?
She gets to be serenaded by Talking Tom Cat:
April on Substack
11 months ago
Thanks, Buddy (and Talking Tom)! I also share my birthday with one of my fellow indexers at work and the wife of a guy Fred works with. I know that statistically this isn't some sort of rarity, but it still amazes me. (I'm easily amazed.)
Happy Birthday!
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