But at my house we have something better to usher in the first day of Thankshallowistmas: The Big HalloWeenie!
Whee, doggies! Do I look delicious or what?
Yesterday my sister Jenny took me for a stroll to give the neighbors a little peek at the well-dressed pup:
Here, Jen. I'll show you a trick for anyone who doesn't give you a bodacious treat!
Note to my long-time readers: I know that it seems out of character for me to wear something besides the occasional hat. But this thing actually feels pretty good . . . downright comforting. Maybe I can wear it the next time we have a bad thunderstorm. Also, I'm not really doing any trick-or-treating tonight, since I'm not supposed to have candy.
After we got home from our walk, M and J helped Jenny with her costume. Hers isn't for trick-or-treat, either, but for an office party. This year she's decided to dress up as Axl Rose, one of the founders of an old rock band named Guns N' Roses:
Here she is belting out a G N' R song called "Welcome to the Jungle." I think it refers to a different jungle from the one I used to live in. M asked her to be careful not to scuff his boots.
In other Halloween happenings, M found an article that was supposedly written by one of his favorite economists, Paul Krugman, on a website known as the Onion. The piece is entitled "This Sure Is A Spooky Time For The Economy." If you'd care to read it, just follow this link. You'll probably understand it better than I did. What I liked the most was the picture of Dr. Krugman dressed up as Dracula:
Well, it turns out Dr. K didn't write the article. He obviously has a sense of humor, though, as evidenced by his blog post setting the record straight. In it, he Halloweenishly misquotes another famous "K" economist, John Maynard Keynes, by noting that "In the long run we are all undead . . ."
Boy, economists are a riot.
Have a safe and happy Halloween, everybody!
April on Substack
10 months ago